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sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012

4th of July + Libertadores

I went out 4th of July to see how the Americans celebrate their most important civic holiday. Just like I thought the day raises all the patriotism in the country.

Washington DC, full of national landmarks, attracts thousands of visitors. The banner's colors  were everywhere.

The big concentration of people was around the Washington Monument. 

Families arrived early and made picnic while waited for the fireworks at night.

Costumes of national symbols - Abraham Lincoln and Hot Dog.

Army cars patrol the area right in front the president's residence.

The White House was opened only for guest – at least one hundred people in the Rose Garden, looking to the Monument.

Die of envy, Stannis Baratheon. This is truly the sword Lightbringer.

Actually is a memorial to soldiers killed during World War II and Korea War.

I decided to ignore the fireworks because there was something much more important happening at the same time: the final game of Copa Libertadores da América - Corinthians (Brazil) cs Boca Juniors (Argentina). 

As usual I went to Lucky Bar DC, at Dupont Circle area. The bar was crowded of Americans celebrating the 4th of July. Soon it become crowded of corinthianos and xeneizes (Boca Juniors' fans). The Brazilian was more effusive, reflecting the offensive behavior of Corinthians in the field.

During the brake I asked an Argentine what impression he had about the first half. “Parejo (even)”, he replied. “Honestly, I think Corinthians was more offensive and had a better structured defensive system", I argued. He did that blasé face only the Argentines can do. He denied that their goalkeeper replacement due to an injury during the first half  was a problem. “Nuestro segundo goleiro es mejor, de verdad (actually, our second goallie is better)”, he said.

Poor Sosa, the second goallie. Right in the beginning of the second half he could not avoid Emerson's goal. The American bar became a little Pacaembu (the stadium in Sao Paulo where the game happened). The fans sang all the Fiel chants: "There is a band of crazy here", "Don't stop, don't stop" and many others. Many Americans stopped to ask what the hell was happening. 

After the second Emerson's goal, the champion feeling was hard to hold. I could not believe that was happening. After 35 years trying, Corinthians conquered the only cup was missing in our hall of trophies. I waked up that Wednesday knowing that I would end the day totally devastated or uncontrollably euphoric. The corintianos at the bar helped me to feel at home.

Raquel and Patricia watched games at the Lucky Bar DC since the semifinals weeks before.

I went out to celebrate. I divided the news with everybody minimally latino, as this mariachi little band, from Honduras.

It took time for the adrenaline to be back to normal levels. Corinthians champion of Libertadores. The party in the USA was for another reason, but the scenario was perfect fo me.

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